Martial Arts Training Weapons

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Bokken with plastic scabbard Bokken with plastic scabbard
The Bokken made from beech wood is delivered with a plastic...
Training Boot Knife Training Boot Knife
Realistic-looking blunt dagger made of heavy aluminum is suitable...
Jo Stab Jo Stick, red oak
The approx. 128 cm long Japanese red oak stick is suitable for...
Junior Bokken Holz Junior Bokken red oak
The about 80 cm long Bokken made of red oak is due to the shorter...
Arnis Stock Rattan Arnis Stick Rattan
The lightweight rattan stick is ideal for weapon training in...
Foam Knife EVA Foam Knife EVA
Training knife made of EVA foam is suitable for the training of...
Bo Stick, Rattan Bo Stick, Rattan
The lightweight and flexible about 182 cm long bo stick is mainly...
Arnisstock Brandmuster Arnis Stick Rattan
Lightweight rattan stick with wrap-around burnt design is ideal for...
Bo Stick Bavaria 182 cm Bo Stick Bavaria 182 cm
The very robust 182 cm long Bo stick made of German red oak is...
Bo Stab DANRHO Bo Stick, 152 cm
Heavy oak, Length: approx. 152 cm, Ø approx. 2,5 cm
Suborito Holz Suborito, wooden
The wooden sword made of hardwood (red oak) and suitable for Kobudo...
DANRHO Wooden Pistol DANRHO Wooden Pistol
The functional and sturdy training gun made of wood is suitable for...
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